- Erin Cooks - http://erincooks.com -

Happy Birthday Gram! A Guest Post of Sorts

Gram and Little Erin

This is one of my favorite photographs of my grandmother and I. Look! It’s my natural hair color. Amazing… Anyway, today is my grandmother’s birthday. Happy Birthday Gram! Now she doesn’t own a computer and still uses a camera that holds actual film which has to be developed at the drugstore but she always takes the time to have my sister Nicole show her the new posts on my blog when she visits. A few weeks ago I received the following email from Nicole:

Gram Makes Coffee

Grammie asked me to send you these pictures and she wrote this for you –

Show Chris how real coffee is made. No, french press for me! In the background is my lettuce and spinach garden. In the creamer is evaporated milk. The other coffee pot (Pyrex) is 50-years-old. I got it for a wedding present. Have fun with this!

Pyrex Coffee Pot

I hope you enjoyed my grandmother’s first “blog post.” The biscuits in the above picture are one of her signature dishes. Perhaps someday I’ll share the recipe but in the meantime whenever I go home to Maine I ask her to make them for me. Then we all pile into my mother’s car and drive over to Gram’s house in our pajamas to enjoy them with real butter or sometimes homemade strawberry jam. If you have time today please wish my grandmother a “Happy Birthday” in the comments. I know she’d love it!