- Erin Cooks - http://erincooks.com -

Have a Caffeinated Christmas!

Buy a Case ... or TwoAs my boyfriend pointed out to me the other day, it’s now officially the holiday season as Starbucks stores all over the world have broken out their signature red cups. For the next few months we’ll all be able to brighten our mornings and drag ourselves into the office with steaming hot Egg Nog, Gingerbread, and Peppermint Mocha lattes. In addition we’ll all have the opportunity to purchase limited edition Christmas Blend coffee beans. People are apparently obsessed with this stuff. I’ve never had the pleasure of trying a cup so I may have to pick a pound up and see what all of the fuss is about. In the meantime, Starbucks has also released a limited edition Dark Chocolate Peppermint Mocha version of their bottled Frappuccino drink. I saw it advertised in the Target flyer on Sunday morning so I suspect it’s readily available for you to stock up on. After all, what if you get snowed in? Be prepared! No one wants to go through the horrors of Starbucks withdrawal!

(Originally posted on the Well Fed Network’s blog A Nice Cuppa)