- Erin Cooks - http://erincooks.com -

Thanksgiving’s Greatest Hits

CK and I split the holidays. We spend Thanksgiving in Connecticut with the Kelly clan and then have Christmas in snowy Maine with my Family. The Kelly’s are Thanksgiving connoisseurs. The festivities at this day long celebration of football and food are an epic exercise in stamina. Below are a few rules and/or insights I’ve garnered over the years and have chosen to share so that you will survive the day should the opportunity ever be bestowed upon you.

Top Secret Artichoke Dip

Rule #1: Tread lightly through the Artichoke dip lest you ruin your appetite.

Go Green with Beaujolais Nouveau

Rule #2: Watch your intake of Beaujolais Nouveau. Over indulgence in delicious once-a-year wine may result in embarrassing stories told about you at next year’s soiree. Proceed with caution.

Light It Up

Rule #3: Wait your turn. Don’t reach across the table in search of that second roll or you may just catch your sweater on fire via some very pretty flaming fruit.

Aunt Kara's Ambrosia

Rule #4: You will absolutely put an enormous spoonful of Aunt Kara’s Ambrosia, that CK made all by himself, (yeah right…) on your plate and you will eat it AND like it or else.

Rule #5: Do have a piece of CK’s dad’s Toll House Pie. Even if you’re so full you feel like you’re going to explode. There’s always room for pie. Make sure to use your fork to even out the sides too. You don’t want to put the pie away uneven, right?

Turkey, Cranberry Sauce, and Stuffing. That's it!

Rule #6: Several short hours after the main dinner you’ll find yourself overwhelmingly compelled to join in when all of the Kelly’s inevitably start to make “Dirty Bird Sandwiches.” Don’t resist. Just go with the flow.

And that my friends is how you celebrate Thanksgiving with CK’s family. So do tell. What sort of shenanigans take place at your family gatherings?