Today I made the ridiculous mistake of going to Whole Foods without a list. My intention was to pick up some milk, onions, and something to make for dinner. Well $130 dollars later I came home with some surprising purchases. Yes, I impulse shopped till I dropped. Usually I do this sort of thing with clothes, but today I managed to be “manipulated” into buying Cranberry Cheddar Chesse (what the hell am I going to do with that?!), Butternut Squash & Vermont Maple Syrup Ravioli, and Kashi’s new 7 Grain Party Crackers. The crackers really got me coming and going because once I read the package and noticed that they were serving them with slices of Brie and green apples I had to go and buy those too.
This is an excellent example of why I try to use PeaPod as much as possible. I just can’t be trusted among all of those organic goodies! Please make me fell like less of a duped consumer and tell me I’m not alone — what ridiculous things have you tossed in your cart recently? At the very least the lovely Hänni is coming to visit soon. Maybe I’ll just feed it all to her. Mwah ha ha!