In case you haven’t noticed I have some serious Maine-itis going on. To help curb my desire to drive to Portland every single weekend this summer I’ve decided to live vicariously through a number of Maine based bloggers. Let’s hope they can collectively cure my case of homesickness this summer with their words and images.
Plating Up
Follow the Maine Food & Lifestyle Magazine on Facebook
While not a personal site per say, the Maine Food & Lifestyle Magazine’s blog Plating Up is a great jumping off point for discovering some really exciting must eat, see, try, and do ideas around the state. Their team of contributors has the scoop on a host of foodie related stories ranging form the addition of an Antipasti Bar at Chef Melissa Kelly’s noted restaurant Primo (a place I’m DYING to visit this summer) to a seemingly foolproof recipe for Lobster Pie.
Blueberry Files
Follow Kate on Twitter
The first thing that caught my eye about Kate’s blog was her disclaimer to readers that states, “I’m not much into health food; I am into champagne.” Obviously this is a woman after my own heart! of course it helps that she frequently posts reviews about local Portland restaurants which only adds to my growing urge to move back. Case in point — check out her nice write-up on a new food cart, Bazkari, that’s parked in Monument Square these days or read about her follow-up trip to Nosh. If I remember correctly I believe I was told that Nosh has some very adorable waiters. Someone please report back!
Follow Karen on Facebook
I believe that Karen’s blog was one of the first Maine food blogs that I ever followed. We connected after she happened to comment on a post here and I’ve kept tabs on her ever since. What I love about Karen is that she seems to do everything in style; from celebrating her 50th birthday (Happy Belated Birthday!) to almost “killing” her husband Karen’s write-ups are succinct and full of charm. But before you start dialing 911 please note that her weapon of choice was Katherine Hepburn Brownies and not a wrench in the parlor with Miss Scarlet.
Portland Maine Daily
Follow Corey on Flickr
Portland Maine Daily has quickly become one of my must check sites. Corey’s photos in and around Portland never get the “mark all as read” treatment in Google Reader. While this site also isn’t a traditional food blog it does often feature lively images of restaurants, the Farmers Market in Monument Square, and the harbor where all of your favorite seafood treats are caught fresh daily. This is a great RSS Feed addition for those of you who are fans of Maine and I urge you to subscribe.
Do you have any more Maine blogs that I should be reading? They don’t necessarily have to be about food. I’m just looking for some fun reads from home.